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  • By Best Collegiate Events
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  • Posted February 8, 2022

Breaking Through

With Breaking Through, your group will experience an emotional and physical metaphor that will help illuminate mental blocks, internalized phobias, and limitations that hold them back in their personal, educational, and professional lives. This program is a memorable, empowering, high-energy experience that can create the confidence and connections that your students and faculty need. Everyone walks out of the door inspired to take action like never before!

  • By Best Collegiate Events
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  • Posted January 10, 2022


Momentum is an inventive team building event where each sub-team will be tasked with designing and building a Rube Goldberg-style chain reaction machine to accomplish a simple task. Teams must collaborate and strategize together to not only create a successful contraption but also to out-design other teams and ultimately be declared the Momentum champions!

  • By Best Collegiate Events
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  • Posted January 6, 2022

Minute 2 Win It! for Charity

Minute 2 Win It! for Charity will bring out the best in team spirit and a sense of community responsibility from your participants as they compete in tabletop challenges to earn items to create care packages to donate to a local charity. Fast-paced fun, teamwork, and competition are at the heart of every one of these events we deliver. Perfect to include in any academic or social gathering, or as a stand-alone program.

  • By Best Collegiate Events
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  • Posted December 20, 2021

Putting for Pets

Putting for Pets is a fun philanthropy event that concludes with the donation of pet food/supplies to local animal shelters and rescue organizations. Your group will design and build unique one-of-a-kind, miniature golf holes using pet supplies and other building materials. After the course has been built, an entertaining tournament ensues with scoring and fun competition. Your team will experience the joy that comes from giving to fuzzy paws and a worthwhile cause!

  • By Best Collegiate Events
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  • Posted December 2, 2021

Virtual Escape Room: New Year’s Eve Adventure

Virtual New Year’s Eve Adventure is an immersive virtual escape room game where teams learn that a nefarious figure has plotted to jeopardize and ultimately destroy New Year’s Eve celebrations in several cities using signal jamming devices that will bring down the celebrations. Each team must travel to the targeted cities and use their observations and problem-solving skills to discover the clues to find and disable the jammers before the clock strikes midnight. With an immersive storyline, clues of varying difficulty, detailed graphics, and an advanced escape room platform, this program will excite, intrigue, and challenge your group.

  • By Best Collegiate Events
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  • Posted November 12, 2021

Virtually Super 70s

Can you dig it?! Groove on back to the days of bellbottoms, tie-dye, and feathered hair with Virtually Super 70s. With state of the art gaming and our engaging and interactive professional hosts, your group will experience a full participant, full engagement, interactive game show where players compete in rounds of trivia categories about all things 70s to earn as many points as possible. Your group will love this far-out trivia challenge! Ask about super 80s, 90, or 21st Century – we got them covered too!

  • By Best Collegiate Events
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Virtually 21st Century Buzz

This is cray-cray! Gather your peeps for a look back to the beginning of the millennium with Virtually 21st Century Buzz! With state-of-the-art gaming and our engaging and interactive professional hosts, your group will experience a full participant, full engagement, interactive game show where players compete in rounds of trivia categories about all things new millennium to earn as many points as possible. Your group will love this sweet way to show off your hella good memory.  Ask about 70s, 80s or 90s buzz – we got them covered too!

  • By Best Collegiate Events
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Virtually Back to the 90s

Oh, Snap! Let’s bounce from modern times back to the days of hot pants, halter tops, and letterman jackets with Virtually Back to the 90s! With state-of-the-art gaming and our engaging and interactive professional hosts, your group will experience a full participant, full engagement, interactive game show where players compete in rounds of trivia categories about all things 90s to earn as many points as possible. Your group will love this fly trivia challenge! Ask about heading back to the 70s, 80, or 21st Century – we got them covered too!

  • By Best Collegiate Events
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  • Posted October 28, 2021

Virtual Murder Mystery: Mavericks on the Case

Get into the investigative spirit with our Virtual Murder Mystery program – Mavericks on the Case! The Mavericks are a team of elite private investigators for hire. Your group will form teams of 6, with each player donning the detective hats of one of these dynamic investigators to solve a puzzling murder case!

  • By Best Collegiate Events
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  • Posted October 15, 2021

Crack the Case!®

Immerse your group in a world of mystery, intrigue, and detective work with our exciting team challenge, Crack the Case!® In this fun challenge, participants will be placed in the shoes of trainees close to completing a private investigator course, studying to become elite detectives. The program is a challenge that is the final test of their skills before receiving certification as detectives. In order to succeed, they must work together to solve a series of puzzles and challenges designed to test creative thinking, problem-solving, ingenuity, and deductive reasoning. Ultimately, the group must solve all the challenges in the test to crack the case and prove their prowess as detectives.